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Center for Length

Center for Length’s mission is to spread the teachings of Dr. Ida P. Rolf through the continuing education and practice of Structural Integration.  Owned and operated by Amber Leigh Burnham and Elisa Jane Noel, Center for Length conducts workshops, classes and mentoring programs in support of its mission.  At the core, Center for Length believes in the strength and benefits found within the 10-Series and Advanced sessions of Structural Integration.

What is Structural Integration?

Structural Integration is a type of body work focusing on the fascia. Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds, penetrates and supports all muscles, bones, nerves and organs. When the fascia is realigned, the whole body moves more efficiently and in alignment with itself. The end result of the process: a balanced body at ease.

The most common method for a person to incorporate Structural Integration into their life is by a sequence known as the 10 Series. Through each of the ten appointments, the Structural Integration practitioner seeks to align, lengthen and organize the fascia, focusing on a different portion of the body in each session. At the end of the 10 Series posture is effortless and breathing is easier; the body becomes more adaptable, more coordinated and movement improves. Many who journey through the 10 Series return for advanced sessions as well.

At Center for Length, Amber and Elisa are dedicated to collaboratively teaching the Rolf Method of Structural Integration to those interested in becoming practitioners. While remaining active as practitioners themselves, Amber and Elisa pursue their shared passions for Structural Integration by leading and developing a variety of classes and workshops held through the Center for Length. Amber and Elisa’s teachings range from mentorship opportunities to review workshops, specialty advanced training’s to dissection labs and more.

“It is gravity that is the tool; it is gravity that is the therapist.” Ida P. Rolf