Structural Integration is a type of body work focusing on the fascia. Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds, penetrates and supports all muscles, bones, nerves and organs. When the fascia is realigned, the body moves more efficiently and in alignment with itself. The end result of the process: a body at ease and moving in peace with itself.
The most common method for a person to incorporate Structural Integration into their life is by a sequence known as the 10 Series. Through each of the ten appointments, the Structural Integration practitioner seeks to align, lengthen and organize the fascia, focusing on a different portion of the body in each session. At the end of the 10 Series good posture is effortless and breathing is easier; the body becomes more flexible, more coordinated and athletic performance improves. Many who journey through the 10 Series return for advanced sessions.
The 10 Series of Structural Integration, created by Dr. Ida P. Rolf, is a series of ten individual body work sessions. Often referred to as “the recipe” from its origins as instructions handed down over generations, the 10 Series originated from Dr. Rolf’s teachings throughout the 20th Century and is practiced worldwide. The goal of the 10-Series is to help physically realign and center the body to move with greater ease, less pain and more efficiently. The 10 Series achieves this goal by using manual manipulation to reorganize the fascia, and educating the clients’ movement.
With each session building on the last (and best completed in a determined schedule), the 10 Series is a process centered modality. While the end goal of optimized mobility remains the same for anyone undertaking the 10 Series, the actual sessions may vary slightly considering health and clients’ needs. A new client can expect the following from their sessions.
Sessions 1-3: Sleeve/Superficial hours
Session 1-3 focuses to loosen and balance the superficial fascia.
The first session enhances the quality of breath with work on the arms, rib cage and diaphragm. Opening of tissues is also started along the upper legs, hamstrings, neck and spine. The second session helps to give the body a stable foundation by balancing the foot, lower leg and extension in the back. The third session aims to balance the shoulder girdle, trunk and pelvis front-to-back.
Sessions 4-7: Core hours
Session 4-7 addresses the core up through the inner leg lines, pelvis, trunk, neck and head.
Session 4 begins to balance the inner leg line from the foot to pelvis. Balancing these core leg structures increase the health in the pelvic floor and support in the legs. Session 5 is a continuation of organizing core structures now in the trunk. The focus is to balance the abdominal wall, psoas and lumbars. Session 6 seeks to ground the system by lengthening the back line of the legs, pelvis and lower back. Session 7 brings our attention to the head and neck.
Sessions 8-10: Integration hours
The remaining three sessions provide an opportunity for the practitioner to build on the previous established functions, continuing to increase the clients’ relationship with gravity. Session 8 and 9 is addressing either the upper or lower body, revisiting areas previously worked to integrate both girdles. Session 10 is a completion of the series, bringing order and balance to the entire body.This final session inspires a sense of order, ease of movement and balance.
While massage often focuses on short term relaxation and muscular discomfort, the 10 Series process aims to create long-term realignment. The 10 Series of Structural Integration organizes the fascia to work with the body in creating ease of movement and increased function through the course of the client’s lifetime.
Throughout the course of the 10 Series Practitioners at Center for Length may assign movement exercises for the client to complete at home. These activities help to support and progress the work being completed during the actual sessions. Engaging in these activities outside of the Sessions can help maximize the efforts of your 10 Series.
Average one hour sessions, but might take up to 90 minutes considering the session. The 10 Series is advised to be completed in a timely manner in order to be able to build upon the last session, but with enough time in between each session to allow the body to adjust. Discuss time and schedule commitments with your practitioner before you begin the 10 Series.
Communicate with your Practitioner in the actual sessions and through the 10 Series process. Your Practitioner will discuss what methods of communication work best outside of the 10 Series. In the Sessions be sure to mention physical symptoms, possible stressors or trauma, pain or soreness, and anything else that might be relevant to progress in the 10 Series.
Clothing should be minimal to allow your Practitioner access to perform bodywork, but still in accord with legal and hygienic standards. Full coverage underwear or sports attire are appropriate options. A robe is provided for your comfort and blankets will be placed over areas not being worked on for warmth and modesty. Please discuss any concerns or personalized situations regarding wardrobe with your Practitioner.
Due to the close proximity of a Practitioner to a Client, please be mindful of your hygiene. It is advised to shower before, or the day of, your Session.
As Practitioners, we will discuss payment terms and conditions with our clients before undertaking and scheduling the 10 Series. Please read and understand the terms and conditions of payment and cancellation.